Good Apple or Bad Apple First?

one-bad-appleOne day a mother brought a bag of apples for her two sons.  She gave five apples to each of her son with some good apples and some bad ones.  The mother was curious to see which apple her sons would eat first.

The first son ate the best one of those five apples he received and the bad one the last.

On the other hand, the younger son did it very opposite.  He ate the bad one first and then the best one the last.

After careful observation, the mother called both of her sons and praised the older son.  She explained that the older son ate all his apples as best ones.  He ate the best one, then the next best one, then the next best and so on.  Thus, he ate the best apples!

However, the younger son ate the worst apple eating experience because he ate the worst one, then the next worst one, then the next worst one and so on.  He ate the worst apples when the older son ate the best apples even if they both ate same kind of apples.

I wonder how others would think of me… the first son or the second son?

We go through life and face similar problems and situations.  Even though we argue that “my” problem is bigger than others, we all go through similar stages of life with love, joy, pain, and sorrow.  Nevertheless, some would fine positive side in all circumstance as the older son picks the best in his given situation, others would complain and be critical as young son, sort to speak.

I pray that all of you would pick the BEST apple each day and make the most of your week and weekend!  God bless!

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