Louis Fox

poolThere is a story told of a man named Louis Fox who was an American professional billiards player.  On September 7th, 1965, he entered a championship in New York trying to defend his title as American champion.                                   

Fox was on his way to victory with a large margin between his opponent when a fly landed on the cue ball.  At first, he found it funny as he waved his cut stick over the ball to scare the fly away.  Then, when the fly landed again on the cue ball, he waved again which brought laughter from the audience.  However, when the fly landed the third time, he was a bit annoyed and in his attempt to scare the fly away, Fox touched the cue ball, technically a miscue, thus forfeiting his shot.

The opponent made the most of this opportunity to reduce the score and eventually won the tournament.  The stunned Fox left the billiard hall and committed suicide by diving into the Genesee River though there are variations that the drowning took immediately after the match; the next day; or some time later.

This story reminds me of how often I over-react and get annoyed over little things.  Maybe we have had tailgated the one who cut in front of us or maybe we have had screamed at a referee or coach for unfair call of our son’s or daughter’s game.  Lacking patience and kindness, I have done things that I regret later on.

More than just regret, I need to keep in mind that what I say and how I behave will be a testimony of my faith in Jesus Christ.  Acts 16 says that Paul and Silas behaved a certain way that captured the heart of jailer and thus, he asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”  May our actions be honorable to God this week.

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