Weather Station

1_905On the beautiful island of Bermuda there is a rock hanging on a rope with a large sign beside it which says, “Weather Station: Check the Rock.  If it’s wet, it’s raining.  If it’s moving, it’s windy.  If you can’t see it, it’s foggy.  If the rock is gone, it’s a hurricane.”

In fact, you see this kind of sign all over as a humor but don’t you just love it?  At least it’s very reliable!

I wonder if we are ignoring obvious things like this as we are dealing with God.  Instead of “looking out the window” (Bible) where the answer is staring us in the face, we want a special sign from him!  A brother pointed out that Elijah was moved with the gentle voice of God than thunder, lightening, fire, or an earthquake.  We should, too.

In this Christmas season, let’s recognize the obvious.  Christmas is about Christ and everything surrounding this holiday point to Him; lights, festivities, stars, trees, candy canes, nativity scenes, songs, and gifts.  We can’t even spell “Christmas” without “Christ”!

All the evidence was staring the Jews in the face and still they refused to accept Jesus as their promised Messiah—because he didn’t arrive the way they wanted or expected!

I hope we don’t make the same mistake.  Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!

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