Mother’s Day versus Father’s Day

fathers originalBill Crosby humorously explained the difference between Mother’s Day and Fathers Day.  He insists that Mother’s Day is a much bigger deal because Mothers are more organized.  This is his explanation…

Mothers say to their children:

  1. Now here is a list of what I want.
  2. Go get the money from your father and you surprise me on Mothers Day.
  3. You do that for me.

For Father’s Day I give each of my five kids $20 so that they can go out and by me a present–a total of $100.  They go to the store and buy two packages of underwear, each of which costs $5 and contains three shorts.  They tear them open and each kid wraps up one pair, the sixth pair of underwear going to the Salvation Army.  Therefore, on Father’s Day I am walking around with new underwear and my kid’s are walking around with $90 worth of my change in
their pockets.

May be Crosby is right.  Mother’s Day is bigger and more popular in terms of how much money has spent on flowers, chocolates, and dining out.  Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean Father’s Day is less significant.  I want all you fathers to know that you are very important and needed in your children’s life.

Have a great Father’s Day to everyone… especially to all fathers!

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