A Mystical Water in Mouth

A lady came to see a marriage counselor.

“Doctor, I can’t live with my husband for he abuses me verbally and his criticism never ends.”

gargleThe counselor thought for a moment and suggested a solution.  “There is mystical spring water around the corner from here.  Please take a gallon of that water.     Now when your husband comes home and starts criticizing you, do take a mouthful of that spring water in your mouth.  However, don’t drink the water but just keep in your mouth as if you are gargling.”

That night her husband returned home late from work and he started criticizing and abusing her verbally as usual.  Instead of arguing this time, the wife remembered what the counselor said and took a sip of that spring water in her mouth.   She was careful not to swallow and also kept her mouth shut tight so the water won’t leak.  She kept it until her husband’s verbal abuse stopped.

She did this every day for a while and soon she noticed the change in her husband’s behavior.  His anger and verbal abuse became less frequent and eventually stopped.

To her surprise, she went to see the counselor and told him about the change in her husband and said, “Thank you!  That really is mystical water.  My husband is a new person now.”

The doctor smiled and replied, “It wasn’t the water that changed your husband but it is your silence.”

Proverbs 17:28 says, “Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent” (ESV).  The power of silence!

I could talk more but this is a good time for me to “gargle”.

Have a blessed weekend!

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