Band of Brothers

12045334_10153587145028213_1003671633211930968_oRecently I have watched mini series called Ban of Brothers with my son.  I had a good talk with my son about the lessons found in this movie that are applicable in our daily life as well as in church life.

There are so many obvious lessons we can draw from this movie or any war movies such as a leadership, loyalty, sacrifice, commitment, brotherhood, willingness, discipline and training and etc.  Being in the frontline of war, many of those young soldiers had to be “ready”.  They were ready to be sent on a mission, ready to combat and ready to die!  Physically, emotionally, and psychologically they were push to the limit as these soldiers didn’t get much sleep (often in a foxhole), had to be alert at all time, didn’t have the comfort of life, ate what they can, risked their life constantly, submitted to their superior whether they liked it or not, and seeing their “brothers” falling before their eyes.

We are “Christian soldiers” marching to battle but not with other people but with the one who is behind the wickedness of this world.  As Paul wrote in Eph. 6:12, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”  Therefore, we need to put on the armor of God (Eph. 6:14-17) and BE READY!  Let us be ready to engage this world with the Gospel.

Let’s fight the good fight!

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