Tucking in My Children


While my daughters were back at home during Christmas and New Year break, one of the blessing for me is tucking them in at night.  My children are not little anymore (in college and out college definitely don’t consider little) but they asked me to tuck them in at night!  Same thing with Austin even if he is in high school (not every night but time to time).

What a blessing and honor it is for me.  I wouldn’t pass that for any reason.  Though when I was a younger father, tucking them in at night was tiring and at times annoyed because I was tired, too.  How I misunderstood!  I LOVE tucking them in and hope to do this continually.

Though I have never been tucked in by my physical father (because he passed away when I was really young), I feel God is “tucking me in” as I fall asleep as Psalm 127:2b says, “for he gives his beloved sleep”.  Whatever you may have gone through each day or have to deal with the next day, remember God loves you and will give you rest as you rest in Him.

Have a blessed week!

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